Basic Stats
Strength | Agility | Intelligence |
17+1.9 | 21+2.5 | 15+1.8 |
Advanced Stats
Affiliation | Scourge |
Damage | 44-46 |
Armor | 1.94 |
Movespeed | 285 |
Attack Range | 575 |
Attack Animation | 0.33 / 1 |
Casting Animation | 0.3 / 0.51 |
Base Attack Time | 1.7 |
Missile Speed | 1200 |
Sight Range | 1800/800 |
Poison Attack
It provides a poison to each of your physical atack which continuously provides a damage and a slow to the enemy attacked unit for 2 seconds.
Level | Mana Cost | CoolDown | Casting Range | Area Of Effect | Duration | Allowed Targets | Effects |
1 | 20 | 4 | 600 | N/A | 2 seconds | Enemy Unit | Slows speed by 10 % , deals 6 Damage Per second |
2 | 20 | 3 | 600 | N/A | 2 seconds | Enemy Unit | Slows speed by 20% , deals 12 Damage Per second |
3 | 20 | 0 | 600 | N/A | 2 seconds | Enemy Unit | Slows speed by 30% , deals 18Damage Per second |
4 | 20 | 0 | 600 | N/A | 2 seconds | Enemy Unit | Slows speed by 40% , deals 24 Damage Per second |
Note: The Slow and the damage will not be increased by successive casts. Instead you will have your attack duration being refreshed
This is the signature skill of Viper. The lower the HP of the opponent the more damage viper deals in its attacks.Level | Mana Cost | CoolDown | Casting Range | Area Of Effect | Duration | Allowed Targets | Effects |
1 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Enemy Units | Maximum of 32 Bonus Damage |
2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Enemy Units | Maximum of 64Bonus Damage |
3 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Enemy Units | Maximum of 96 Bonus Damage |
4 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Enemy Units | Maximum of 128 Bonus Damage |
Note : Starts off with 2/4/6/8 bonus damage, and doubles for each 20% missing hp of target unit.
Corrosive Skin
Level | Mana Cost | CoolDown | Casting Range | Area Of Effect | Duration | Allowed Targets | Effects |
1 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 3 seconds | Self / Enemy Unit | 10% slow, 10 damage per second and 10% magic reduction |
2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 3 seconds | Self / Enemy Unit | 15% slow, 15 damage per second and 15% magic reduction |
3 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 3 seconds | Self / Enemy Unit | 20% slow, 20 damage per second and 20% magic reduction |
4 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 3 seconds | Self / Enemy Unit | 25% slow, 25 damage per second and 25% magic reduction |
- Stacks with spell resistance from items
- Affects the attacker before the attack if released. In case of very low HP's on both sides the attacker will die before the attack is released.
Viper Strike
It slows down the enemy unit by a large amount. It also deals damage over time to the unit.Level | Mana Cost | CoolDown | Casting Range | Area Of Effect | Duration | Allowed Targets | Effects |
1 | 125 | 80 (12*) | 500 (800*) | N/A | 5.1 seconds | Enemy Unit | Deals 60 damage per second and slows speeds by 40% |
2 | 175 (125*) | 50(12*) | 500 (800*) | N/A | 5.1 seconds | Enemy Unit | Deals 100 damage per second and slows speeds by 60% |
3 | 250 (125 *) | 30(12*) | 500 (800*) | N/A | 5.1 seconds | Enemy Unit | Deals 145 damage per second and slows speeds by 80% |
Item Build
- 2 * circlet of nobility
2 * 53
- tangoes of essification / healing salve
90 / 100
- slippers of agility / gauntlets of strength
2 * 150
- Wraith Band / Bracelet
150 / 190
- Boots Of Speed
- Bottle
- Gloves Of Haste
- Boots Of ElvenSkin
- Power Treads (Agility)
- Void Stone
- Ring Of Health
- Perseverence
- QuarterStaff
- ClayMore
- Lothar's Recipe
- Ring Of Health
- Stout Shield
- Vitality Booster
- Vanguard
- Point Booster
- Ogre Axe
- Blade of Alacrity
- Staff Of Wizardry
- Aghanim's Scepter
- Broadsword
- Blades Of Attack
- Crystalis Recipe
- Messerchmidt's Reaver
- Vitality Booster
- Heart Of Tarrasque
- Demon Edge
- Buriza Do-Kyanon
- Vitality booster
- Point Booster
- Energy booster
- Soul Booster
- Blood Stone
Final item Build
Viper is a mega harass. Use Vipers ability to harass your opponents. Viper can farm extremely well. Now Viper's game can be divided into two categories.
Support/Not Carry
When you are playing Support, or maybe laning with a MVP then you need to give him more farm while you level up alongside him.Keep denying your creeps so there can be a very good exp difference between your laners and you. It is important to remember that your team's MVP needs to be the most farmed player at all times.(simply cause he is the MVP) isn't it? Usually by level 6-7 you can farm your BOT/PT. Preferably farm BOT cause it gives you more opportunity to farm and also greater mobility around the map.The reason i say that Viper can farm his items faster is cause of his 3rd skill - Corrosive Skin , which really helps you get the last hit. So farming with Viper is actually very easy. If you can't farm your way up to BOT then its better to always keep a Town Portal in an empty slot just in case. Well if you are playing the Non -MVP then you act as a very good diversion for the enemy from your MVP . Your frequent harass and kills in mid game would definitely help them your team . And then late game your MVP can really turn the tables, that is if you haven't already.MVP Build
So the next question that arises is what happens when you are playing the MVP of your team. Its pretty simple actually especially as viper is probably more apt to play as the MVP of the team. His ulti and his corrosive skin can easily eat away at a lot of HP of the enemy. If u play as the MVP i think it would be advisable to probably get a BKB + dagger in mid game as you dont want to be the center of all their skills. So if you gonna be the MVP then maybe your mid game item build should look something like this :Late Game As MVP
Laning Strategies
- Against Two Melees
- Against 1 Melee and 1 Range
- Against 2 range
Against Two Melee
If you are up against two melee , it's game - on for you. You can easily harass your opponents and prevent them from farming. If you are good enough you can get the first blood too. Your Poison Attack along with your lane ally's attack is more than enough for the kill. Also your poison and corrosive skin will be dealing constant bonus damage to the opponent. It is but obvious that you will be dominating your lane. So it would probably be advisable to go gank very early in the game. It would prevent the enemy hero tank from farming a lot. By mid game you would have farmed a lot and got a lot of your mid game items. You will have a very easy early - mid game in the event of having two melee heroes in your lane.
Against One Melee & Against One Range
This is really a complicated situation. If you are up against 1 melee and 1 ranged heroes. Sure you can harass the melee hero a lot, but getting your kill would/might be a tricky situation. Play careful and try to get only the last hits. Try to harass the melee hero a lot, thus probably ensuring that he ends up going base and resulting in a lot of experience loss. Ganking the heroes would probably require the help of another hero if they are playing good. But then ofcourse it depends on the situation and the way the opponents are playing. And ofcourse remember your allies. Dota is after all a team game right?
Against Two Range
I wouldnt say that this is the worst scenario for Viper because remember viper is ranged too. So this basically means that you would just have to focus on farming and denying your creeps. Try to deny a lot as your farm would be very limited the more you end up going towards the enemy tower. It is advisable to stay as close to your tower as it would lead to more farming oppurtunity as well as more safety from ganks. Once you get the Viper Strike it would be very easy to kill your way into the game.
-Contibution : MR.ARM3